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Nutrition Care of Rochester Dietitian Nutritionist

Specializing in the health of women and children.
(585) 563.9000
Various clinicians and specialists play a role in the care of your child to help determine the root cause of extreme picky eating and to help formulate a plan going forward.
  • The pediatrician monitors growth, health, and eating history over time. They are available to address your concerns and refer you to an appropriate specialist.
  • The International Board Certified Lactation Consultant is clinically trained to identify newborns and infants with breastfeeding issues that may signify feeding, swallowing, and developmental problems.
  • The speech-language pathologist evaluates and treats oral-motor and sensorimotor deficits as well as swallowing disorders. S/he may provide sensory-based treatment.
  • The physical therapist evaluates and treats postural/trunk control issues affecting oral motor function and assists with proper seating for meals.
  • The occupational therapist evaluates and treats fine motor skills for independent feeding as well as sensory processing disorders that may keep child from enjoying a variety of flavors and textures.
  • The gastroenterologist assesses the structure and function of the gastrointestinal system to determine whether medical factors contribute to feeding difficulties and treats accordingly.
  • The otolaryngologist assesses the structure and function of the airway, head, and neck and evaluates for medical problems (eosinophilic esophagitis or enlarged tonsils/adenoids, for example) and other possible contributors to swallowing comfort.
  • The mental health clinician assesses and treats general anxiety or comorbid conditions the child may have that may contribute to anxiety about food. Therapists can assist parents in addressing counterproductive feeding practices as well as providing family therapy or referral for support or therapy for parents, if warranted.
  • The registered dietitian nutritionist analyzes the child's food intake for macro- and micronutrients. Dietitians can provide guidance for homemade tube feeding preparations and schedules and feeding volumes necessary to support appetite while weaning off tube feedings, and they can assist parents in choosing suitable preparations of foods to support nutrition. They are highly valuable members of the team that can identify and manage nutritional deficiencies, help with weight management, educate the parents about their child's nutrition needs, and if the child requires a special diet the RDN will help formulate a plan that ensures that the child is meeting his/her needs (ex: calcium needs and a casein free diet).
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The pursuit of educating and empowering women to make the choices that put themselves and their children's health above all else.
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3380 Monroe Ave #213, Pittsford, NY 14618(585) 563.9000
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